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multiple pairs of cuffed denim jeans against a blue background
Every Piece Pledge

A commitment to recycling and wearing sustainable clothes, like denim made from cotton.
Because every piece has potential, every piece can live longer, and every piece can be recycled.

I pledge,

To recycle my denim.

To always check the label to understand what my clothes are made of.

To shop for sustainable clothes, like denim made from cotton,
because it can be recycled.

Every Piece Pledge

Every Piece Pledge Form

blue check mark inside of a circle

Thanks for pledging!

Share your commitment to inspire others. The more people who recycle, the bigger impact we can make. And don’t forget to tag us @bluejeansgogreen.

Every piece recycled helps reduce waste.

denim background with text that reads, "More than 2,100 tons of textile waste diverted from landfills" blue color field with text that reads, "Denim, made from cotton,  doesn't have to be discarded; it can be recycled."

Every piece has potential.

denim background with text that reads, "By extending the life of your clothes by just 9 months, you can reduce the environmental impact by as much as 30%" blue color field with text that reads, "When your denim, made from cotton, is worn out, it can be transformed in creative ways and contribute towards a cleaner world."

Every piece can live longer.

denim background with text that reads, "Over 4.2 million pieces of denim recycled since 2006" blue color field with text that reads, "Recycling your worn denim keeps it out of landfills and in the loop. #GoodInDenim"